微電腦全溫數顯振蕩培養箱是一種具有加熱和制冷雙向調溫系統,溫度可控的培養箱和振蕩器相結合的生化儀器,振蕩培養箱是植物、生物、微生物、遺傳、病毒醫學、環保、食品、石油、化工等科研、教育和生產部門作精密培養制備*的實驗室設備· 微電腦全溫數顯振蕩培養箱批發價格使用和維護說明 1、正確地使用和注意儀器數顯振蕩培養箱的保養,使其處于良好的工作狀態,可延長儀器的使用壽命。 2、數顯振蕩培養箱在連續工作期間,每三個月應做一次定期檢查;檢查保險絲,控制組件及緊固螺釘,及是否有水滴,污物等落入電機和控制元件上。 3、傳動部分的軸承在出廠前已填充了適量的潤滑脂(1號鈣-納基),儀器在連續工作期間,每六個月應加注一次潤滑脂,填充量約占軸承空間的1/3。 4、數顯振蕩培養箱經常期使用,自然磨損屬正常現象。儀器在使用一年之后,若發現電機、壓縮機有不正常的噪音;傳動部分軸承磨損,皮帶松動或出現裂紋,電控元件失效等故障,本企業將繼續提供優質服務,予以協助處理。 5、壓縮機應避免連續起動。 微電腦全溫數顯振蕩培養箱批發價格產品特點:Features ※由培養操作室、取樣室、氣路及電路控制系統、熔蠟消毒器等部分組成。 It consists of culture operating chamber, sampling chamber, air circuit & electric circuit control system, dewaxing sterilizer, etc.. ※產品使用科學*手段達到高精、恒溫的厭氧環境,便于操作者在無氧環境中進行操作和對厭氧菌培養。 The product, with the scientific approaches, can create the high-accuracy and thermostatic anaerobic environment, taking convenience for operating and culturing the anaerobe in oxygen-free environment; ※溫控系統采用高精度液晶控溫儀,能準確直觀地反映箱內實際溫度,加上有效的限溫保護裝置,安全可靠。 The temperature control system employs high-accuracy LCD temperature controller, which can show the incubator inner actual temperature accuray and visually. In addition, it is equipped with the effective temperature limiter, more safe and reliable. ※箱內裝有紫外線殺菌燈,氣體經過過濾后進入箱內,可有效避免細菌污染。 There is an ultraviolet germicidal lamp in the incubator, the gas should be filtered by it prior to getting into the incubator, so it can effectively avoid the germs pollution. ※氣路裝置可任意調節流量,能任意輸入各種所需氣體。 The air-passage device can adjust the flow quantity and input any required gas randomly. ※操作室均由不銹鋼板制成。其前窗采用透明耐沖擊特種玻璃制成。操作使用手套,可靠、舒適、靈活,使用方便。 The operating chamber is made of stainless steel sheets. Its fore window is made of transparent anti-impact special glass. When operating, please use the special gloves. It is very reliable, comfortable, flexible and convenient to use this chamber. ※ 操作室內配有特殊接種棒滅菌器、熔臘消毒裝置,還裝有除氧催化器。 Besides a deoxygenating catalyst converter, there is a special loop carrier sterilizer and dewaxing sterilizer in the operating chamber. 微電腦全溫數顯振蕩培養箱批發價格技術參數Technical parameters: 型號Model 技術參數 Tech. parameters | YQX-Ⅱ | 培養室使用溫控范圍 Applicable temp. range of incubator | RT 3~65℃ | 培養室溫度波動 Temp. fluctuation of incubator | ±0.3℃ | 培養室溫度均勻性 Temp. homogeneity of incubator | ±1℃ | 取樣室形成厭氧狀態時間 Time for forming anaerobic state of sampling room | <5分鐘min | 操作室形成厭氧時間 Time for forming anaerobic state of operating chamber | <1小時hour | 厭氧環境維持時間 Anaerobic environment maintaining time | 操作室在停止補充微量混合氣體的情況下,>12小時 Under stopping the compensation of micro mixed gas, the time of operating chamber is more than 12 hours. | 電源/功率 Power supply/power | ~220V 50Hz/600W | 工作室尺寸Dim. of working chamber | 800×660×630 | 培養室尺寸 Dim. of incubator | 680×190×200 | 外型尺寸Outline size | 1200×1400×700 |